Pay-per-click is a form of internet marketing that can be very lucrative. With pay-per-click advertising, advertisers are charged each time someone clicks on their ads. Search engine advertisements and other PPC models have been around for more than fifteen years to help companies promote themselves online by bidding in programmatic auctions with the hope of appearing above organic results when users search on SERPs (search engine result pages).
In essence, PPC is a way to pay for visits rather than earn them with organic traffic. Targeted marketing campaigns can help you reach your intended audience on the internet and grow business revenue without investing in expensive advertising or other traditional forms of promotion.
PPC stands for ‘pay-per-click,’ an Internet Marketing model that advertisers use by paying each time one of their ads are clicked; this type of buying visitors to your site instead trying to ‘earn’ those visits organically through search engine advertising.
You can get charged for PPC in multiple ways: